Yes, it is extremely difficult for a young wine brand to break through to the national, and even more to the world level, because of the intense competition and the high cost of advertising services. It is almost impossible to compete with well-known wineries and distributors for the first places on the Internet!
This question arises for every manufacturer.
- So how do you solve this problem?
- How to bring your young wine brand to the national level?
- How to increase sales of wine that no one knows about yet?
iWEBi GROUP specialists decided to create a new WikiliQ online platform that should solve this problem.
“WikiliQ is the worldwide guide to liquor brands, where any manufacturer can create a page for their brand and list the company’s products for free.”
This online platform is designed to help young and small wineries take their product sales to a whole new level by being in the first places on the Internet.

WikiliQ is rapidly gaining popularity
“By investing $300,000 in the creation of WikiliQ, the company iWEBi GROUP got a result that met all the expectations. Six months after the launch of the project, the target audience of the website was more than 100,000 visitors per month and is growing steadily.”

WikiliQ Performance
Now the IWEBI GROUP company is improving the platform, as well as developing the WikiliQ mobile application, which uses artificial intelligence technologies. This application will pleasantly surprise all users with its convenience and versatility.
Welcome to WikiliQ for FREE!